After an incredibly strenuous year of work, work, work...the Lambert's decided we needed a vacation! We had one week between the end of the semester before Erika's summer classes started, and before Paul's grades came out and determined if he got into dental school or not.
Erika suggested somewhere in Europe (Italy?) and Paul wanted something similar to their honeymoon at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. Then we realized that vacations actually COST MONEY, and we had to reevaluate our plans. Thankfully, Erika's cousins, Tom & Christy, generously offered a long weekend at their condo in Hilton Head. We accepted, Paul finished his final exam at 6pm, and we rolled out of Charleston at 7:45pm.
We took bikes, beach chairs, golf clubs, books, movies...etc. We were getting AWAY!
The island is the 2nd largest barrier island (on the East Coast?)....anyone know the first? It's extremely well preserved and protected from major development; that is if you don't consider a bunch of golf courses and bike trails intrusive.
We took bike rides, relaxed at Starbucks, went to the beach, took a sea kayak adventure across the intercoastal waterway, cooked dinner each night, and caught up on our favorite TV show "24"!

We had friends, Mark & Tiffany, come down for a little while too. Mark and Paul went to the driving range where they fully admitted to the staff that they were MUCH better basketball players than golfers. The humbling experience they called "golf" was a good time to catch up with each other. Erika and Tiffany spent their time having "girl talk" at the condo.
Monday morning finally rolled around, and so did the rain clouds. We had been blessed with perfect weather, so we knew this was our cue to leave! Plus Erika's classes started in the evening, and Paul's dental school decision came the next day...
ok so i am catching up on the last 2 yrs of your life via blog. Awesome. A line from this struck home- "Erika suggested somewhere in Europe (Italy?) and Paul wanted something similar to their honeymoon at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean." may as well switch out the names for Kristen and Tyler. Not sure what it will end up being but... Italy baby!! Some day.