Photo by: Caitlin Binda
Pinterest sometimes fills
my head with too many ideas and aspirations.
I’m not sure Paul approves of my “Fantasy Land.” But once in a while, a great pin comes along
and you just have to go with it. Like
the balloon gender reveal that caught my eye a couple of years ago. We had so much fun doing this for Baby
#2! I’ll have to admit, when the pink
balloons flew out of the box, both Paul & I were a little surprised…ok
maybe a lot surprised. Isn’t it just
natural to expect a boy when you already have a girl? Anyway, we are thrilled that Ava will have a
little sister soon! Hopefully she won’t
mind that the new baby’s due date is the same day as her birthday… Yep, April 11th it is :)
So once again, our lives
are about to change drastically. For the
better, of course. And I couldn’t be
more excited! Thank you so much to our
family and friends who have shared in this excitement with us already. On the days when I wonder how we can live our
rodeo of a life with another baby in the house, I just think about families
like the Parsons, and the Webers, and the Campbells—all awesome families who
are great models for us. And I’m
reminded of my cousin Cristy’s advice.
It’s not that you gain some kind of superpowers to do everything
perfectly even when you have a zillion responsibilities as a working Mom. “You just have to lower your standards.” Wise words from a mother of two. So what if the toys don’t get picked up EVERY
night? (I wish my house looked like
Emily’s, but it just doesn’t and probably never will) And does it really matter if my neighbors
hate my lawn? When you don’t have time
to slave over the stove and bring an excellent dish to a family meal, just
bring the sodas and the dinner rolls.
Congratulatory flowers from my sweet friend & college roommate, Sarah.
For Ava’s gender reveal,
we ordered a cake from Publix. We
invited all of our in-town family members to our house for a dinner
gathering. When it came time to cut the
cake and reveal whether it was pink or blue on the inside, our out-of-town
family members were “with us” on speaker phone.
It was an exciting moment— until the cake turned out to be white. Anti-climactic to say the least. Publix has been on my bad list since
then! This time around, I decided to
redo the cupcake reveal with my basketball team at CSU, and delivered them to
some family as well. I made the cupcakes
myself just to ensure that each one was carefully filled with pink icing. Well, all but one, right Mand? Ha.
That’s what I get for icing cupcakes at 11:30pm.
Gender reveal cupcakes
We are grateful for God’s
abundant blessings. Ava is just about
20-months old and she is the light of our lives. A healthy pregnancy tops the list of things
not to take for granted. We are very
much enjoying this holiday season so far.
And as I was writing out our Dec/Jan family calendar the other day, I
got to write “Paul starts school” for the last time!! He will complete his final semester of dental
school in the Spring and graduate in May!
For quite some time, I had been day dreaming about a celebratory graduation
vacation for the two of us. You know me
and planning—I just can’t help myself.
So I had some plans in the works and had hoped it would all be a great
surprise for Paul in the end. But with
Baby #2 on the way, Curacao will have to wait!
Of all the reasons to put travel plans on hold and stay home, I cannot
think of a better one.